Sunday, 4 May 2008

Polonca Lovšin

I am an architect and artist from Slovenia. I am working as a free-lance artist since 2001.

In 2007 I gave birth to a boy, Tobi. With my partner, who is an artist himself, we made the decided for a child quite late, since our position, as artists, is financially unsure and unpredictable. I am a person who worries about not having money.

I enjoy being a mother. I believe the mother is much more occupied with the child during the first year of his life than the father. But even if I spent much more time and energy with Tobi I cannot imagine being a single mother. Father helps a lot many times just with his presence.

I couldn't work much on my projects during this first year. My only free time was after 8 p.m. when we put Tobi in bed. But it demands a great discipline and dedication to stay focused and work every day 3 hours in the evening. I didn't manage to produce anything new. More or less, I was just coordinating old projects and projects started already in the year before I gave birth.

In Slovenia, a free-lance artist mother gets a financial support by the Ministry of Culture during the first year after birth of the child. For me the first half of the year after the birth were great - I wasn't thinking about money and jobs at all.

Immediately after the first 6 months I started to worry about how to earn money. I started to work on projects to earn money after Tobi was 6 months old. This meant even further reducing of the time spent on my projects (which was already reduced to a minimum).

I can understand that artists do not decide to have children. It is a very stressful and unsure life. It depends a lot on an individual situation - if your parents can help, you have a good financial background - as well as on your personal character. I think my situation isn't the worst possible. I know some of my artist friends are even in worse situations.

In June I will get my last financial support of 500 EUR. After that I will need to work much more for money. But since Tobi got a place in a kindergarten only from 1 September, I will have to take care of him for another three months, without really earning money. I don't live in the same city as my parents, so I have no one to take care of Tobi in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

What do you think Zvonka is Adam your the first and the last child?

kat. said...

.c.c.c: blog(anje) v sklopu berlinske razstave; tema: umetna oploditev / materinstvo

Anonymous said...

Adam is and will always be

my first child.

However, I would be very happy to be

able to provide a warm home for the

two frozelings in the future.

Anonymous said...

Dear Zvonka
you give all us the power to disobey the law
and struggle for our dreams in life
I thank you ofr your courage

a too

Zvonka Simčič said...

Thank you for your comment, confirming that I am heading in the right direction. I wouldn’t want people to see it as a kind of political argument. Any work requires empathy and sympathy for its understanding. I do not want to make art for its own sake. I want to touch people’s awareness and confuse. Art is obliged to provoke and arise one’s feelings, and also come out victorious and I wish to be linked with both aspects of its mission.

The Map of Visitors


My photo
Ljubljana, Slovenia
What can I say. I've been active in the arts for a long time. Mixed styles... they call it multimedia or intermedia art... perhaps it would be more suitable to say: "know your way around!"

About me

I am an artist from Slovenia and have been active in this field for about 20 years.

Last year I gave birth to a son, Adam.

Having no partner, I got pregnant by artificial insemination in a country that forbids single women to become mothers to test-tube babies.
In a situation that required a decision whether to follow the law or listen to myself, I chose the latter and made a step against the law.

The procedure prescribed by the National Health and Social Security (and paid by the state up to the age of 43) only allows artificial insemination to couples - but I had no partner.

Everything happening to me since, brought about questions about the number of things prompted to us by our awareness that we do not do either because the state or society prevent us from doing them in one way or another.

On this basis I decided to start building a space where the very things dictated to us by our awareness can manifest even when they are forbidden by law.

They are not acts against, but pro-NEWNESS deeds.

Awareness decides upon the next move.

For there are many things that were thought to be right – but they are wrong. And there are many things that were thought to be moral – but they are not.


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